Proctor Scheduler


Proctor Scheduler is a web app developed by a few team members from Oulton college. This is actually in use right now by staff. This is a portal for proctors to schedule availability for helping other students out with test supervision. This can be for the visually impaired or someone who needs a scribe to dictate to because of a broken arm.

This web-app is almost complete. It has a few minor security flaws and needs a little more attention to the scheduling view. As of now, you can only have one test booked at a time.

This was a team effort by three of my classmates and I. I mostly worked on the CSS, HTML & Javascript. The backend of this is slightly different from most other projects I worked on as it is based on JAVA and uses the JSP platform. I worked some on the backend as well. If you want to take a look, click the link below to view the code. My web hosting provider does not support JSP so I cannot show you a live preview. Maybe with a little luck, you can get running locally.